Stained Glass at A’anside Studios

Commissions for stained glass windows and door panels form a large part of our work. We work closely with our clients to ensure that the end product is as near to their requirements as the medium allows. Some clients have very clear ideas of what they want and may produce a sketch or photograph from which we develop the stained glass design. Others use our extensive library of books and designs to generate ideas. The most challenging commission, so far, was to interpret a favourite painting into a stained glass door panel for the widow of the artist. This stained glass panel is now in a door with the original painting hanging nearby so that the two may be compared and contrasted. Art glass of different textures and opacity were used and the most dramatic brush strokes were represented by varying widths of lead came.

A’anside Studios design and produce a range of stained glass lamps, mirrors, vases and window hangings which is being continuously extended. All stained glass is hand made in the traditional manner and if you like a particular design we can make it to match your colour schemes at little, or no extra cost. All we require is a sample of material, wallpaper or paint chart. For Spring 2000 we are introducing a range of stained glass Celtic and Pictish designs to supplement our traditional and Prairie style stained glass.

Designing for stained glass has some important and (almost) unbreakable rules, but with careful thought and plenty imagination you can have the stained glass window of your dreams.
Working with art glass as a craft in Britain was in decline and was the province of a few craftsmen who had served their apprenticeships before World War II and also workshops within the confines of religious orders. The craft of stained glass is now enjoying a revival in the UK, as in other parts of the world and is proving a popular hobby.
At A’anside Studios, on the Glenlivet Estate in the lee of the beautiful Cairngorm Mountains, you can learn the craft of stained glass on a two or three day intensive course. Click on the link for details